Monday, May 10, 2010

What we've been up to (plus: RIP Lena Horne)

We're not doing very well keeping up this family blog! We'll see if we can get our act together and come up with a little schedule. Part of the problem has been the end of the semester, which has consumed all my time, and the girls' years are ramping up for the grand finale as well.

Everyone's had a lot going on. Last week we celebrated the publication of The Cambridge Companion to the Literature of New York with a release party at Bowery Poetry Club. Anna performed with her band at her school's Battle of the Bands. Molly has a play coming up this week in which she plays one of the leads. Stephanie and Charlie have started swimming lessons along with their twice weekly yoga classes. No wonder we all feel exhausted!

I was originally logging on to note the passing of Lena Horne. What an amazing performer! And what a terrific life, all 92 years of it. I posted three of my favorite songs by her over at PWHNY. If you only listen to one of them, have it be her performance with Grover from 1973, below. But they're all good!


  1. wow, she was 55 at this time. What a beautiful woman!

  2. We checked out an old school sesame street set ('74-75)(since you often have classics on here) this week from the library and it is astounding how much better they are than the new sesame streets. The new ones don't have nearly enough of the classic puppets and bits and focus way too much on Murry, Elmo (ANNOYING!!!) and the little fairy whose name I don't know (also annoying).

  3. We don't allow post-Elmo Sesame Street in the house.

  4. I can't agree more. We have only had it on once or twice and I just can't stand it!!
