Sunday, January 24, 2010

Best sister in the world

2009, it was the last year of just the two of us. I know that Anna and I had a long time to get acquainted. Having Charlie come into my life made me think about all of the years that we had together. All of the pictures, the places, the teeth knocked out by elbows (well there was only one of those, "It was an accident!" I have to say every time). So this is for the 13 years I have had my first word , A.K.A. Anna, by my side. This is all about the love:

The fights:

Going crazy:

Going crazier:

And just flat out being the best sisters in the world:

Anna, 13 years of pure awesomeness is dedicated to you. Just like all of the books I made in elementary school, this is dedicated to the best sister in the world.


  1. You are so awesome and a completely dedicated sister. Always remember that sisters are forever friends. By the way you are just as wonderful as a granddaughter. Love you

  2. AWWWWW! You kids are gosh darn cute. But where's the hackeysack? Molly, that's an excellent hackeysack kick in the "fights" frame! Now you just need to practice it on something other than Anna's head.

  3. what a great post! I love seeing Molly in the mirror in the first 3 pictures. You girls are the best. Love you.....the other grandma.
